Puzzle En Texturas I Painting

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Puzzle En Texturas I Painting

Puzzle En Texturas I Painting

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Puzzle En Texturas I Painting is a work by Laura Olea from the collection of the same name, whose quality is such that it is included in our Mohd Selection. Puzzle En Texturas I Painting is a picture on paper characterised by the modularity of juxtaposed elements that give it a high decorative potential. Each element with its irregular geometry creates dynamism both through its outline and through the texture of the coloured backgrounds, which are uneven like the printing of a stamp, creating particular nuances of tone. This effect is given by the artist's particular attention to textiles and their texture, of which he reproduces the rendering of the textures. Particularly suitable for a minimal and contemporary environment, combined with the other two paintings in the series, it is decisive for furnishing contexts that can be public or private. Painted on paper with protective glass. Autograph work accompanied by certificate of authenticity.