Plana Chair In Polypropylene

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Plana Chair In Polypropylene

Plana Chair In Polypropylene

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For the realization of Plana, Kristalia used the glass-reinforced polypropylene injection-molded technique that allows a sitting beautiful, durable and versatile. The basic version, in white, black, beige and fluorescent green is suitable for all environments: the home, the outdoors, contract, thanks to its stackable up to 10 pieces. The creative duo of designers, LucidiPevere, by birth young, but already established authors of sessions, signing another product fully "successful", thanks to a modern, simple design, light weight and reliable materials of long life. The value can not leave doubts about purchasing Plana. INFOPlana has a removable polyethylene cap that allows an appropriate and controlled outdoor use.
Brand: Kristalia