Lucie Feighan | Pathway | 5

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Lucie Feighan | Pathway | 5

Lucie Feighan | Pathway | 5

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"Each art collection takes two years to make. I first undertake a large series of mark poems in the form of ink drawings and make a small selection from them. Before these drawings are translated into embroidery, diverse stitch-treatment samples need to be made until the optimum stitch variations have been established. Months are spent placing the embroideries and refining the colour scheme. Finally, the patterns are stitched on to base materials of silk or leather which are then stretched, framed and hung. The smaller pieces contain tens of thousands of stitches and the larger pieces hundreds of thousands. The Resurgence-Pathway collection commemorates the death of a university friend. In grieving her death, I was confronted with my own mortality. Resurgence was my desire to grant her final wish which was, ‘I want so much to keep on living.’ Pathways represented a trail back to a life that she did not want to leave." ~ Lucie Feighan
Category: Art & Decor