Hypotenuse TS Wallpaper Roll

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Hypotenuse TS Wallpaper Roll

Hypotenuse TS Wallpaper Roll

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Hypotenuse TS is the innovative Elements wallpaper of the Wall&Decò new project. Digital printed wall covering matched with non woven fabric. Non-woven coated fabric based on cellulose fibers and polyester fibers) Water-based inks and organic pigments.Elements is a new wallpaper model ready for installation. A ready-made format that introduces the latest concept installation method, in fact, the graphics can be installed following unconventional schemes, which move away from the assumption of repetitive patterns, as proof of the desire to give a creative identity to the product and therefore to the project itself. A selection of Wall&decò macro subjects reinterpreted in the new Elements modular wallpaper that redesigns installation schemes and allows multiple visual results.Total weight (minimum ÷ maximum): 150 g/m2 ÷ 210 g/m2.Determination of the emission factor for VOC and identification of dominating substances have been made at the Swedish Testing- and Research Institute according to the FLECmethod. The test results are below the quantitative detection limit (< 10μg/m² x h).1 quantity in the cart corresponds to a 10 m roll.